Where to find my scheduled posts on LinkedIn

This is the post for you if you can’t find the one you have scheduled to go up on LinkedIn! LinkedIn has a way of making things hard sometimes. Apart from attempting to decipher their constantly evolving algorithm, the user experience isn’t always optimal. I just took a very long time looking for the post that I had planned to publish in a few days. I was getting really crazy. I eventually figured it out after looking at the smartphone version, which had less options. Here’s what you need to do, in five simple steps, to stop yourself from pulling out your hair.

There are five methods to locate your scheduled LinkedIn post.

  1. You must start a post first. In order to accomplish this, first log in to your own profile, then go down to the Activity section and choose “Start a post,” as you can see below. This should go without saying as you’re looking for a scheduled post that you’ve already written, but I just wanted to make sure!
where to find my scheduled posts on linkedin

2. Where to find my scheduled posts on linkedin

This will trigger the creation of your post choice. To begin a new post, click the grey area. By the way, you can only access your drafts by selecting “Start a post.” Your page will instantly be updated with the stored draft.

where to find my scheduled posts on linkedin

3. Where to find my scheduled posts on linkedin

elect the Clock icon located on the lower right corner. You will have scheduled it by selecting “Schedule for later” from the rollover menu.

where to find my scheduled posts on linkedin

Then, beneath the Time section bar, you’ll see, “View all scheduled posts,” on the screen that appears.

where to find my scheduled posts on linkedin

Hurray! Your planned posts will start to show up.

where to find my scheduled posts on LinkedIn

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